Thursday, November 6, 2014

Trick Or Treat!

Trick Or Treat/
Kitty Feet/
Give us something tasty to eat!/
If you don't we don't care...

...'Cuz we're likely to take it anyways (especially if it contains carbohydrates)...

Happy Belated Hallowe'en everyone!

Most of you already know how I feel about animals in clothing (i don't approve), but i have made an exception in celebration of All Hallows' Eve/Samhain 2014.  Also, I couldn't resist the idea of Ronan wearing a pirate hat....


(note the kitty slobber on the blanket below his mouth.)

Friday, July 18, 2014

A Sneaky Snack...

Last night, I made myself a foot bath with oatmeal and honey in very warm water to soothe the extremely itchy mosquito bites on my feet (received during my recent trip to Saskatoon for my sister's wedding).

Guess who thought it looked good enough to eat...

NOTE:  I do not have any photographic evidence of the sneaky snack that took place as I was far too busy trying to keep not one, but TWO kittens away from the basin.

Monday, February 17, 2014

"A Tale of Two Kitties"... Ronan and Pandora read a book

My most excellent Acting Instructor is also a part-time novelist.  The second installment in his Junction Chronicles trilogy is called A Murder of Crows and I shared it recently with the kittens.  This is how it went...

Ronan looks as if he is quite stunned by a passage he just read...!

Pandora isn't sure if she approves of that cliff-hanger chapter ending.

".... Whoa..."

Princess Pandora has found a new favourite book :)