Monday, November 4, 2013

Ronan vs. The Duvet

I like to think that Pandora is the Master of Ideas and Ronan her willing henchman.  Usually, he will try - and fail - at things 10 or 20 times, while she will sit and observe him (judging, if you will), then try - and often succeed! - just once.

I think the Duvet downfall is Ronan's alone, however.  I have woken on many a morning with him buried inside the duvet cover, helplessly trapped and still squealing for breakfast.

I came home this evening to find Pandora at the door, but Ronan nowhere to be found.  Usually, he will make his timely appearance after the second or third time I call his name.  Tonight, I heard him call back, but show not even a whisker.  I went looking in the bedroom and found this:

(*** yes, it looks like there's no video, but trust me, it works)

Lord knows how long he was hanging around and waiting for my return!  I feel grateful he has such strong feelings about proper bathroom behaviour and did not relieve himself in the duvet...

Sunday, October 27, 2013

"Beautiful Joe"

Joseph Oliver Moneen, or "Joe", was my first feline friend.  After he passed away from cancer two years ago, I wrote a song for him called "Beautiful Joe". 

Imagine my emotion when I found a young adult novel recently titled "Beautiful Joe".  Written by Canadian author Margaret Marshall Saunders in 1982, and based on a true story, the book follows a cruelly abused and mutilated dog named Joe as he learns to love and trust again.  Despite his horrible disfiguration, the other characters in the book understand that Joe is truly beautiful -- inside and outside -- regardless.  And the best part:  It is narrated by the Joe the dog himself.

I am going to be reading -- and bawling about -- this book, and shall therefore do you the honour of blogging (and bawling) about it over the weeks to come.  It's going to be dreadfully emotional.  I can already tell...

Thursday, September 12, 2013

It's the Kittens' 2nd Birthday!

It's the Kittens' 2nd Birthday!  Ronan and Pandora turned 2-years-old on Sept. 4/2013.  I was so busy that week and forgot until the next day :(  Baaaaaaddd.... I felt terrible.  Thus, the really, really super tasty treat to top last year's Wild Sockeye Salmon:

Medi-Cal SO diet canned food cut into triangles ("cake slices") and topped with fresh, organic catnip grown in my very own backyard.  Suck on that, Martha Stewart. 

Dear Dr. Kent, if you are watching this, please do not be mad.  I never, never give them treats, and this has been the only time since last year they have "cheated" on their diet (and by "they" I really mean Ronan, because Pandora is not allowed any treats since Ronan can't have them.  I believe in fairness).

Happy Birthday, Ronan!
Happy Birthday, Pandora!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Kittens!

Thursday, July 18, 2013


The kittens are messy and creative eaters.  Ronan in particular has gone through a ridiculous transition in terms of his eating habits (see previous posts), but one thing has always remained:  A passion for food!

This is what dinnertime is like at our household every night... Note how Ronan holds the bowl (and himself) in place with one firmly planted paw...

Sunday, June 30, 2013

A new toy!

My mother likes to describe Ronan and Pandora as her "Grand-kitties", and every time she sends a parcel to me there is usually a small gift or two for the kittens, too.  Easter saw two toys: The Neverending Chirping Bird, and the Sassy Squirrel.  I saved the Squirrel until her Mother's Day visit this month.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Happy Spring Equinox, Everyone!

As an Easter/Spring gift from my Mom and Dad, I was sent a huge box of Cadbury's Mini Eggs (my favourite easter treat) and two special toys for the kittens.  Here are Pandora and Ronan enjoying the first: The Eternally Chirping Canary!

With only the slightest touch this stuffed canary will chirp and tweet to its heart's content.  Witness two predatory styles:

1) Ronan:  Throw a wide net.  Chase, scratch, thrash and otherwise scramble until you strike or capture something.

2) Pandora:  Patient Spear-wielder.  She is a huntress, this one.  She will wait until the opportune moment, then seize her prey with hardly a muscle moved. 

Also, I can tell already this Canary is going to drive me nuts.  I am going to keep it in the toybox for special occasions only.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Adventures in Laundry Land

Pandora is sneaky.  She is far more stealthy than her brother.   This week she was a Laundry Ninja.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

DJ Kitty Scratch Mat...!

Have I mentioned I have the greatest Landlord and Landlady in the world??

They bought THIS for the kittens this past Christmas.  best. gift. EVER.

NOTE:  This video is 3-and-a-half minutes long.  I realize this.  But it's so full of cuteness I couldn't help myself.  If you get bored, skip to 3:08 and watch the kittens come up with a new way of playing with the Scratchmat together.  Hooray!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Damn! A Long Time...

It's been much harder than I thought to upkeep a blog with no home internet access, and for this i must apologize to our 'Wobbly Fans'.  Rumour has it that i may be getting internet for real this month (March), so that would mean much more regular updates.

What's going on in the kittens' world?

Well, Ronan has been struggling with urine crystals since October.  I know!  What's he getting into??  He and his sister have both been on strict veterinarian-approved diets since the day they entered the THS at 3 months old.  I rarely, if ever, gave them treats, and then only a small one each.  But even after 3 months on the S/D diet (a Dissolution diet meant to reduce the crystals so he could pass them), he still had LOTS.  Little bugger.  What was he eating??

Now he's on S/O from Canin, wet and dry, and i watch the kittens like hawks when they eat.  I sweep.  Thoroughly.  Frequently. 

I'm pretty sure Ronan ate some expanding foam insulation last year (you know, that yellowish stuff you put in corners and at the edges of baseboards to seal them up) because there used to be some in the corner by my door and now there ISN'T... but surely after so long that can't still be the reason he has this issue?


Ok.  One day at a time...