Thursday, September 12, 2013

It's the Kittens' 2nd Birthday!

It's the Kittens' 2nd Birthday!  Ronan and Pandora turned 2-years-old on Sept. 4/2013.  I was so busy that week and forgot until the next day :(  Baaaaaaddd.... I felt terrible.  Thus, the really, really super tasty treat to top last year's Wild Sockeye Salmon:

Medi-Cal SO diet canned food cut into triangles ("cake slices") and topped with fresh, organic catnip grown in my very own backyard.  Suck on that, Martha Stewart. 

Dear Dr. Kent, if you are watching this, please do not be mad.  I never, never give them treats, and this has been the only time since last year they have "cheated" on their diet (and by "they" I really mean Ronan, because Pandora is not allowed any treats since Ronan can't have them.  I believe in fairness).

Happy Birthday, Ronan!
Happy Birthday, Pandora!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Kittens!