Monday, November 4, 2013

Ronan vs. The Duvet

I like to think that Pandora is the Master of Ideas and Ronan her willing henchman.  Usually, he will try - and fail - at things 10 or 20 times, while she will sit and observe him (judging, if you will), then try - and often succeed! - just once.

I think the Duvet downfall is Ronan's alone, however.  I have woken on many a morning with him buried inside the duvet cover, helplessly trapped and still squealing for breakfast.

I came home this evening to find Pandora at the door, but Ronan nowhere to be found.  Usually, he will make his timely appearance after the second or third time I call his name.  Tonight, I heard him call back, but show not even a whisker.  I went looking in the bedroom and found this:

(*** yes, it looks like there's no video, but trust me, it works)

Lord knows how long he was hanging around and waiting for my return!  I feel grateful he has such strong feelings about proper bathroom behaviour and did not relieve himself in the duvet...