... This was on Thursday (Sept. 6th). I've been limping since then.
It has been chaos in the apartment with three individuals shuffling about and moving as if we all had inner-ear infections.
Normally, the kittens wobble about at their normal pace and I walk with a slightly wider gait to accomodate any sudden movements on their part. But with my right foot swollen like a purple balloon there was little else to do but hippity-hop across the floor on my left foot. Pair this with two unpredictable kittens and you have a recipe for disaster. It's a wonder I didn't squish any of them over the weekend.
It was like playing football with two furry players who have never read the rulebook, forgot all their safety equipment, but have more enthusiasm going for them than Magneto at a paperclip convention. More often than not, I was the one careening into the walls and collapsing against the countertop as the kittens skidded by oblivious to the near-carnage they had narrowly avoided.
I would like it noted, however, that both showed extremely poor judgement by playing swat with each other on either side of my injured right foot. OWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!