Thursday, April 26, 2012

These are my Wobbly Kittens

Cerebellar Hypoplasia ('CH'):
A disorder found in cats and dogs in which the cerebellum is not fully developed at birth.  Usually the result of a parvovirus infection in the pregnant mother.  Results in motor control issues in the young that vary from the complete inability to maneuver oneself (most of which are euthanized immediately) to ease of movement but with a noticeable gait, ie. "wobbly".

CH does not inherently affect the long-term health of the animal, but care must be taken by the human companion to ensure the environment is catered to its needs.

These are MY wobbly kittens, Ronan Jamieson Fenriz (male, orange tabby) and Pandora Rune (female, tortoiseshell), brother and sister born Sept. 4/2011 and adopted Jan. 21st/2012 from the Toronto Humane Society. 

Do not let their docile appearance fool you! 

As their wonderful Fostermom Joannie famously told me, "They don't know they are any different from other kittens".  In other words, they are hellraisers in adorable, furry packages.  In the coming posts you will witness the destruction my apartment has felt at the paws of these miniature Maelstroms. 

You have been warned...