Thursday, September 20, 2018

It's the Kittens' 7th Birthday!

Oh!  I can hardly believe my beautiful kittens are 7-years-old now :) Ronan Jameson Fenriz and Pandora Rune celebrated their seventh birthday on Sept. 5th, 2018. 

They make me laugh and live every day I'm with them.  They greet me at the door with wild yowls of excitement, they wake me with paw slaps and aggressive mews for their breakfast, they cuddle with me and hold my fingers with their paws as we go to sleep. 

I have watched them grow from awkward, curious kittens to sleek and sassy (and still awkward and curious) cats whose very presence makes our little apartment a True Home.

Happy Birthday, Ronan.  Happy Birthday, Pandora.
I'm so lucky that you chose me.

Happy Birthday, Kittens <3

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Fiesty game fun!

Ronan has a new favourite game.  I call it:
Make It Rain Receipts.

1) Remove your massive pile of receipts from your wallet.
2) Enter each item and amount into your household budget app.
3) Toss completed receipt into the air or onto Ronan.
4) Watch him go nuts.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Kittens' 6th Birthday!

Can you believe it??

[Sorry, everyone, for such a long wait between posts (i have a new dayjob and my downtime has been spent on film/art projects, not so much blogging lately), but what a great post to come back with!]

Ronan and Pandora were born (according to their adoption file) on Sept. 4th, 2011, exactly one month after my feline friend Joe passed away.  We have spent almost six wonderful years together in this little apartment, chasing dreams and catnip mice together.  Can you believe how big they are now? :)

I feel so lucky all the time for being the human chosen by these two special kitties.  Every day they show me love and affection, gentleness and compassion.  When I have my Down Days, they let me know that I am loved and cared for and that there is still hope and beauty in this world.  And when I have my good days, they are also there to remind me that the greatest gifts are laughter and acceptance.

Happy 6th Birthday, Ronan and Pandora!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Holiday Baking at my Apartment

I love to bake most months regardless, but December means lots of breads and cookies for Solstice, Christmas and Hannukah gifts.  The kittens love this because it means lots of spilled oatmeal and flour on the floor.

Ronan discovered the pile of flour before I did.

Sneaky, Ronan... very sneaky...

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Why I can't leave my gym bag on the floor.

Energy Nuggets.

Really, you guys?  Energy Nuggets?? 
Those things have carob in them.  Even I don't actually like them.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Hunters #1

The kittens have hunting instincts but almost ZERO hunting skills.

But, now and then I am surprised by signs they have been busy protecting the apartment while I was away.  And then I am proud.  Very proud.

Today, and last week, they desecrated two nasty spiders who have undoubtedly been biting me in my sleep (i'm not joking, i have the marks to prove it). 

Proud Mama I am.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

My Kittens are so SMART!

I like to describe the kittens as ill-behaved puppies:  They know what they are supposed to do, and most of the time they listen.

But the truth is, I have been training them since they were 4-months-old as if they were actually puppies -- same commands, same rewards-system, etc., and it really works.  Cats can absolutely do tricks, but most humans just don't bother to teach them.

The kittens are a bit limited by what "tricks" they can learn as their coordination and balance will always impact their physical ability to perform, but they are very smart and very eager to try.  Yet, people tend not to believe me when I tell them that the kittens know how to SIT upon command.  Here is video proof of their intelligence:

Pandora knows how to sit.

And Ronan knows how to sit.

Smart kitties :)